Values Arrangement List (VAL) for Teens - Instructions

The VAL survey contains 71 sets of values arranged in groups of three. Each value is accompanied by a definition. As each set appears on the screen study the three choices. Decide which value is most important to you in your life now and select that button. As you make each selection, the name of the value moves to the box at the right. Continue by choosing the second most important value to you, and finally the least most important.

When you have made your three selections, you can see your ranking of the set in the Values List box. If you would like to re-do the set click Reset. When you are satisfied that you have correctly ranked the set click Submit. Your responses will be saved and the next set will appear on the screen. Even though some of the values may be tough to rank, you must rank all three values in each set or you will not be able to proceed. You can expect to spend at least 15 minutes completing the survey. Take your time but do not over analyze your responses.

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